Define Your Goals for the Factory of the Future

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Modern manufacturing is becoming more complex as product variation and production volumes increase. Composites manufacturers have less time and ability today to make optimized decisions, resulting in waste and inefficiencies. Leading companies are realizing that implementing IoT (Internet of Things) is the way forward to gather real-time data from the production floor. Nevertheless, integrating such innovation into your organization requires planning ahead and paying attention to the key factors described in this article.

Use the following guidelines to lead you to success:

Industrial IoT opens a new world of improvement especially around data collection of material and assets’ location and conditions. Site maps can display exactly which assets are present at each work station and can indicate bottlenecks and process inefficiencies. This allows you to further analyze the manufacturing steps taken at each work station and to see if they can be optimized or accomplished in less steps, driving a smoother process.

Implementing Industrial IoT- Define your goals!

Implementing IoT, like any initiative or project, must begin with a clear definition of your organization’s goals. To ensure IoT gets budget and management’s attention it must serve your company’s main objectives. The process should begin with mapping out where your organization wants to go in the long term, and what needs improvement. Formulating and defining your company’s goals is key to ensure you focus on making the biggest impact in your organization. Tracking material & assets, increasing throughput, reducing bottlenecks, saving raw material and improving quality control are all meaningful targets.

Take a step-by-step approach

IoT can revolutionize manufacturing at your facility. However, trying to achieve all objectives at once will hold you back. Define a couple of key scenarios that require immediate improvement and focus on those first. Composite part manufacturing holds many options for improvement, for example:

  • Material shelf-life management                 
  • Tool tracking                                               
  • Rework and waste reduction    
  • Material yield improvement   
  • Quality control and audit improvements 
  • Automatic cut plans generation

Focus on the “low hanging fruit” and bring your organization immediate value.


Get the complete Guide to Industrial IoT here:
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