FoamOptimizer is an end-to-end, Total Production Optimization solution from the warehouse to production. The solution dynamically produces an optimized and holistic plan for foam cutting by processing the input from the ERP, CAD and the shop floor into a single decision framework.
FoamOptimizer Integrates with your existing systems to enable automation and human-machine collaboration.
Automatically and dynamically gathers all required information from systems and operators, to build the most efficient cutting plan possible, using advanced algorithms, big data analytics and AI for quality assurance.
Analyses pending work orders, on-hand inventory, latest geometries.
Adheres to manufacturing constraints (at all levels: parts, plies, kits and materials).
Increases machine throughput for both horizontal & vertical cutters.
Maintains complete traceability from material to final part eliminating the need for paperwork giving you a smooth paperless production.
Maximize material utilization with optimal dynamic cutting plans
Ensure quality consistency with complete traceability
The Cutting and Kitting solution for foam allows you to save material, reduce operations costs and streamline all your cutting operations.The cutting plans are created based on your material inventory, work orders, and latest geometries ensuring both quality and efficiency. The result is minimized errors that lead to rejects and rework, increased capacity and throughput.