Supplier Connectivity Manager

The solution boosts operational efficiency and supply chain collaboration by streamlining operations across OEM, suppliers, material suppliers and customers.

Supplier Connectivity Manager delivers a holistic view of material full genealogy across its entire lifecycle, from Digital Passport of the raw material to the full Digital Thread of the finished part.

Scaling Up Beyond the Factory Level

Spanning the Digital Thread Across the Supply Chain

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The Digital Passport

The same Digital Passport that is created by the material manufacturer, is now accessible by manufacturers that receive material across multiple factory sites. Sharing material and part digital passports shortens the receiving process significantly and minimizes the possibility of human error. Moreover, it reduces the need for tedious manual tasks, saving valuable time and resources. Sharing and collaborating on Digital Passports has never been easier.

Solution benefits

Aerospace & Composites

When quality & schedule cannot be compromised

Industrial Manufacturing

Control every step of the production process

Wind Blades

Optimal balance between material yield and operations

Automotive Components

Boost your production rates to fulfil demand